Pasquale Tridico: pubblicazioni scientifiche
Elenco pubblicazioni scientifiche di Pasquale Tridico

Pasquale Tridico’s scientific publications with members of the JMCOE Team
Poles Apart? Alternative Welfare Trajectories under Finance-Dominated Capitalism. F Antenucci, W Paternesi Meloni, P Tridico – International Journal of Political Economy, 2023
Fabrizio Antenucci, Luigi Salvati & Pasquale Tridico (2022). Through the COVID-19 pandemic: perspectives for the welfare state, in Bent Greve, ed., De Gruyter Handbook of Contemporary Welfare States
Pasquale Tridico & Patrizia Tullini, 2022. “Salario minimo e contrattazione collettiva: una combinazione possibile,” Economia & lavoro, Carocci editore, issue 1, pages 65-84.
Pasquale Tridico. Mercato del lavoro e sostenibilità del sistema pensionistico: indicazioni di policy. Rivista del Diritto della Sicurezza Sociale. Fascicolo 3, settembre 2021
Giacomo Bracci & Walter Paternesi Meloni & Pasquale Tridico, 2021. Output gap, participation and minimum income: a proposal for Italy, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 44(4), pages 643-676, October.
When Melius Abundare Is No Longer True: Excessive Financialization and Inequality as Drivers of Stagnation. Review of Political Economy, 2020 (with R. Pariboni and W. Paternesi Meloni)
Welfare models and demand-led growth regimes before and after the financial and economic crisis. Review of International Political Economy, 2020 (with E. Hein and W. Paternesi Meloni)
Luigi Salvati & Pasquale Tridico (2020). Technological Change, Institutions, and the Labour Market, in Adalberto Perulli & Tiziano Treu, eds., The Future of Work: Labour Law and Labour Market Regulation in the Digital Era
Structural change, institutions and the dynamics of labor productivity in Europe. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2019 (with R. Pariboni)
Labour share decline, financialisation and structural change. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2019 (with R. Pariboni)
Pasquale Tridico, 2018. “The determinants of income inequality in OECD countries” Cambridge Journal of Economics, Oxford University Press, vol. 42(4), pages 1009-1042.
Economic growth, welfare models and inequality in the context of globalisation. Economic and Labour Relations Review, 2018 (with W. Paternesi Meloni)
Tridico P (2012) Financial crisis and global imbalances: its labour market origins and the aftermath. Cambridge Journal of Economics 36(1): 17–42
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